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Privacy Policy

  1. Personal information provided via the inquiry form on the website of NAGANO KEIKI CO., LTD (hereinafter called Our Company), or via E-mail, will be handled in accordance with the personal information protection policy explained in the following.
  2. Our Company makes every effort not to damage the rights and interests of individuals when we obtain, hold, use or disclose his or her personal information.
  3. Our website can be visited without disclosing any personal information. Personal information will not be collected by just viewing our website.
  4. Where personal information is submitted, we will, by taking appropriate measures, prevent leakage, loss, illegal access to and improper use of such information.
  5. Our Company uses personal information only within the scope required for achieving the following purposes:
    1. Fulfilling contracts concluded between our customer and us
    2. Sending of information on events we hold for our customers, or informing about new products, etc
    3. Provision of after-sales service for customers
    4. Marketing or other analysis
  6. We never provide personal information to third parties without the individual’s prior consent. However, if any of the following conditions apply, we may provide personal information to a third party without obtaining the customer's prior consent.
    1. When stipulated by laws and regulations
    2. When required for the protection of people's life, body or property and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent
    3. When it is necessary to cooperate with a government institution, a local public body or its delegates who are carrying out official business and the obtaining of the individual’s consent may disrupt their activity.
  7. We will comply with laws and other regulations related to the handling of personal information and continue to review and improve the contents of this personal information protection policy.

Contact for Our Privacy Policy

1-30-4 Higashimagome, Ohta-ku, Tokyo, 143-8544, Japan
TEL +81-3-3776-5328