- Message from the President
Message from the President

The Group of NAGANO KEIKI CO., LTD. has contributed to the development of society as a leading company in the pressure measurement industry since being established, in 1896.
Furthermore, we have developed our pressure measurement business, both domestically and internationally, based on our corporate philosophy: Challenging the world by mastering one's field. Through these outstanding business activities, we have engaged in resolving many social issues.
In the recent dramatically changing external environment, we recognize the issues surrounding sustainability—including social and environmental issues such as climate change and human rights—as among the most important management issues to be addressed from a global perspective, and we are striving to respond appropriately.
We are guided by the slogan of our second medium-term management plan (formulated in May 2023): "We will build a strong management foundation based on our never ending pursuit of manufacturing, contribute to social issues, and enhance our shareholder value." So, we have positioned these three years as an important period of preparation for the growth phase we are planning for fiscal year 2030. We will promote sustainability and ESG management as one of our four growth strategies to strengthen our management foundation.
By fully engaging in dialogues with all stakeholders, we will continue to build a future through collaboration between the pressure measurement business and sustainability management as a corporate group that is chosen by society.
President and Representative Director Masatsugu Sato